what is mindfulness and its benefits?

3 min readSep 4, 2020

Defining mindfulness

Let us become familiar with the meaning of mindfulness, as well as how it relates to meditation.
Mindfulness is the quality of being present and fully engaged with whatever we are doing at the moment “ i.e” free from distraction or judgment and aware of our thoughts and feeling without getting caught up in them

The difference between mindfulness and meditation

Mindfulness is not the temporary state of mind that is present during meditation and then vanishes for the rest of day, rather mindfulness is a way of living in which we are able to be in the present moment of life.

Meditation is the training ground for learning mindfulness. we train ourselves in the moment to moment awareness through meditation.

The benefits of mindfulness

Mindfulness doesn't eliminate stress and difficulties, instead of by becoming aware of unpleasant thought and emotions that arise because of challenging situations, we have more choices in how to handle them at the moment

By Mindfulness, we have a better chance of reacting calmly and empathetically when faced with challenging situations of life.

Mindfulness allows us to be more thoughtful in how we want to respond, whether that's calmly, empathically, or perhaps occasionally with measured anger.

Practicing mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness meditation can be a great way to manage stress and boost compassion, focus, empathy, patience, energy, and ultimately, happiness

Though there are countless mindfulness techniques — each rooted in a different tradition and with a unique focus but in this present time, the best and easy way to become mindful is by attentive chanting of the holy name of the lord.

By regular attentive mantra meditation of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, we get an inexhaustible inner energy source that will energize us throughout the day.

The sincere attempt to concentrate on holy name will foster within us the healthy habit of becoming self-aware.

The resulting enhanced alertness will help us in other aspects of our life too — whenever we become distracted, we will recognize faster that we have become distracted and will more quickly reorient ourselves.

Bhagavad Gita 6.5

One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well.

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Hi.everyone .I am a spritual teacher ,a story teller and a regular practitioner of meditation